Our Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way that your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, it is linked at the bottom of every page on the site so that it can be referred to whenever personally identifiable information may be requested.
For standard use of the site we do not collect any customer information apart from email addresses added when joining the site and when creating profiles. These are not required to be the same address and their usage is explained on the relevant pages where the information is entered. Members are also offered the opportunity to add contact details, web site addresses and social networking links when creating a profile. Apart from the initial email address which may be used for Email alerts (if requested) lost passwords or renewal reminders for annual subscribers, no other information is mandatory.
Please be aware that information added to a profile can be seen by other members of the site if you elect to add it to your viewable profile, forum posts, and message board postings.
Those members and advertisers who require invoices for accounting purposes will be asked to input their billing name (personal or company) and address. Others may also wish to add their VAT Registration number. This is all normal business practice and we give our unqualified assurance that such information is not viewable or available to any other member of the site.
CSN does not hold any personal or payment information, any such information is held by our payment processor and subject to their privacy policy. In order to provide you with a high quality and continual service it may be necessary for this information with external organisations. This may include banks, fraud prevention agencies and card processors and verification services. These organisations cannot use this information for any purposes other than those associated with processing card payments unless required to do so by law.
Cookie Usage
Most websites that you visit use cookies in order to enhance features available on that particular site. There are several types of cookies that can serve such diverse purposes as allowing you to login, remembering your login details for the duration of your visit and saving user preferences for future visits whilst others can enable a site to target their advertising and marketing by knowing the location of the user and his/her browsing habits. A detailed description of the types of cookies and their possible uses can be found by clicking here.
The Captain 69™ site only uses session cookies that are essential to the operation of and navigation through the site. These cookies cannot identify you personally nor any personal information stored on your computer. None of them monitor your location or browsing habits. If, at any time, a system is added that will use a different type of cookie that can be disabled, users will be clearly informed of this and given the option of not using that particular facility or service.